Friday, March 25, 2011

What Have I Been Doing???

Wow! It's been nearly two years since I started writing my novel. Guess what?!? I'm still writing -- sorta. I had a huge gap in writing the book and have ultimately decided to start over. I've been busy, but just not spending my time writing. Life certainly gets in the way (or so is my current excuse!).

While I would like to have finished this novel by now, I'm glad I didn't. These past two years have given me a LOT of time to work through my characters and the plot in my mind. I think my original concept is good, but it was a bit shallow. On this go 'round, I'm attempting to delve deeper into the issue of emotional abuse and a woman's choice to walk away from family to save her own sanity. I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to navigate around the fact that my heroine walks away from her family and still remains a likeable person, but I'm getting there.

As I said in an earlier post, writing most certainly does take a full measure of self-discipline to carve out time and write. Hopefully, I get further along this time around!